They woulda looked maaad fly back then, trust me
Greetings, earthlings. I trust all is good.
I thought I'd link you all to a great read. But first let me set the scene...
If you don't know, our tune, 'Jam Hot', 'borrows' the hook from the Johnny Dynell classic (peep here) of the same name. Some may have thought we snatched it from another classic, Norman Cook and Beats International's 'Dub Be Good to Me' (peep here) ...which is partly true. It's a blend of the two. In any case, we salute both artists as they inspired one of our most popular tracks.
Here is Mr. Dynell chatting about his tune in a very interesting interview conducted by DJ & writer, Finn Johannsen. Even gives ya boys a little nod. Wow... respect due. Check it out HERE
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